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Now Stocking Mondraker Mountain, Gravel & E-Bikes
Road / Gravel / and All Drop Bar bikes on SUPER MEGA SALE Giant / Salsa / Santa Cruz / Marin
Welcome aboard Electra Bikes - Now Stocking Kids, Beach Cruiser, Townie Comfort & E-Bikes
Mondraker Arid Carbon Gravel Bike
Mondraker Arid Gravel Bike Checking ALL the Boxes

Getting More Butts on Bikes

We pride ourselves on providing the service and attention to detail you and your bike deserve. A well maintained bike just rides better, and we love making you and your bike smile! 

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Santa Cruz Hightower | Peak to valley and back again Santa Cruz Hightower | Peak to valley and back again

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Local Bike Shop Care

Helping our community enjoy life on two wheels is what we are all about! No matter what type, or level of rider you are, we're here to help make your next bike ride the best ever. We are a small shop full of people that love to share our passion for two wheels.